The research for this project was very different for this project, instead of working on the concept I wanted to focus on how I was going to make the animation, because I had no idea. I started by watching videos on youtube and a site called skillshare. Used this to discover how to use after affects, because I originally wanted to use hand drawn frames, later when I discovered this wasn’t the option for me I started researching rotoscoping and I found the lecture capture from last year. This was extremely helpful as it broke down the process into manageable parts. It gave me a way of using I program I know well but giving me new skills.
I also researched different artists to get inspired. I used this to work out how I wanted my animation to look. I was heavily inspired by two artists. Palefroi a duo based in Berlin, which experiment with hand drawn frames and typography which linked with my ideas and my ambition of using typography.
The other was Rosa Beiroa, discovering her work was the moment where everything clicked. I loved the fluidity in her work, so simplistic, and delicate. But also had accurate movement and shaped, even though line drawings there was something so realistic about it.